Doris Wei


I'm studying in Brisbane, Australia and I'm entering my final year of high school. I am interested in studying interdisciplinary fields in Maths, Physics, and Computer Science.

Currently, I'm learning to work with Machine Learning, data, and design, primarily with Python, HTML/CSS, and digital tools. I have also previously programmed in C++. I am actively seeking to improve my programming skills and develop the capacity to build tools that assist people in their everyday lives. Stick around to see where this goes. :)

You can contact me via my email ( or on LinkedIn.

December, 2024

Using XGBoost to Solve
Kaggle Titanic Problem

Trained an XGBoost decision tree algorithm to attempt a beginner competition on Kaggle. Applied data preprocessing and ML techniques to solve the problem of classifying survivors on the Titanic based on passenger data.

Skills: Data preprocessing, Feature engineering, Hyperparameter tuning, XGBoost, Pandas, Python

Oct 14, 2024

Biotech Futures

In this interschool competition, teams developed solutions to real-world problems over 6 weeks. We incorporated camera systems and object detection/classification into wearable glasses to assist visually impaired users in navigating in roadside environments.

Skills: Design thinking, Public speaking, OpenCV, Teamwork

December, 2024


An interactive dashboard created using the Streamlit, Pandas, and Plotly libraries to visualise the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of ships in Nigerian waterways.

Skills: Data manipulation with Pandas, Data visualisation with Plotly, Web development with Streamlit, Python